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资料来源:      日期:2016年09月18日 20:39     浏览量:













金沙9001cc 以诚为本(中国)有限公司-BinG百科环境与给排水科学与工程系




安徽省淮南市泰丰大街168号安徽理工大学  邮编:232001






3任《农业环境科学学报》和《土壤通报》期刊青年编委,兼任《环境工程》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Chemosphere》等期刊审稿专家,并作为客座副主编组织了一期《Frontiers in Environmental Science》专刊,组织MDPI旗下《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》、《Agronomy》和《Water》等期刊组织专题“Soil and Water Pollution Process and Remediation Technologies”二期











202312-至今, 安徽理工大学,教授




Ø 2014-2015年安徽理工大学优秀班主任;

Ø 指导硕士研究生张威(2017)、沈露露(2018)、李德天(2019)、王昱茗(2020)、鲍丙露(2021)获得国家奖学金;盛雪(2022)获得院士奖学金;

Ø 指导环境工程本科生参加各类学科竞赛,获得全国大学生环境生态科技创新大赛二等奖1项、安徽省大学生生态环境创新创业大赛特等奖/一等奖5项、“青苗杯·中建智立方”安徽省项目资本群英会金奖1项等。


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,红壤中铁氧化物对羟基磷灰石固定镉的影响及其作用机制,416013402017-2019,主持 20

2. 安徽省教育厅重大项目,生物炭内源镉在土壤中的释放机制及其对水稻镉吸收的影响,KJ2020ZD352020-2022,主持 20

3. 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,老化对生物炭钝化污染土壤镉持久性的影响机制,2208085MD872022-2024,主持12

4. 江西洁地环境治理生态科技公司,重金属污染土壤精准治理修复新技术和新产品研发,2023.08-2027.07,主持 81.8

5. 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,重金属污染土壤安全利用关键技术研发,2019/12-2022/11,主持 40

6. 安徽理工大学芜湖研究院,生物质灰基改良剂的研发及其对重金属污染土壤钝化效果研究,ALW2020YF12202007-202206,主持 20

7. 江苏地质矿产设计研究院(中国煤炭地质总局检测中心),改性粉煤灰对重金属污染土壤的修复及其产品加工技术研究,KFKT-2020-62020-2022,主持 11.9

8. 安徽省高校自然科学研究项目,铁氧化物与羟基磷灰石的界面作用及其对土壤镉固定的影响,KJ2016A1912016-2017,主持 6

9. 中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室开放基金,改良剂钝化重金属污染土壤持久性研究, SEPR2014-022014-2016,主持5

10. 鹰潭市贵溪生态环境局,贵溪市典型镉污染耕地土壤安全利用修复技术示范项目实施方案,2019,主持 18.8


[1] Cui Hongbiao, Zhao Yingjie, Hu Kaixin, Xia Ruizhi, Zhou Jing, Zhou Jun*. Impacts of atmospheric deposition on the heavy metal mobilization and bioavailability in soils amended by lime, Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 914:170082

[2] Cui Hongbiao, Wang Ziyu, Ye Bo, Hu Kaixin, Xu Pengcheng, Zhou Jing, Ge Liqiang, Zheng Xuebo*, Zhou Jun*. Comprehensive evaluation on safe utilization potential of ten oilseed rape cultivars in a cadmium contaminated soil. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2023, 32: 103329

[3] Cui Hongbiao, Cheng Jieyu, Shen LuLu, Zheng Xuebo*, Zhou Jing, Zhou Jun*. Activation of endogenous cadmium from biochar under simulated acid rain enhances the accumulation risk of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 255: 114820.

[4] Cui Hongbiao, Hu kaixin, Zhao Yingjie, Zhang wei, Zhu Zhenqiu, Liang Jiani, Li Detian, Zhou Jing, Zhou Jun*. Impacts of atmospheric copper and cadmium deposition on the metal accumulation of camphor leaves and rings around a large smelter. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023, 30:73548–73559

[5] Zhou Jun, Cui Hongbiao*, Zhu Zhengqiu, Liu Mengli, Xia Ruizhi, Liu Xiaoli Liu, Ding Chengcheng*, Zhou Jing. Long‑Term and Multipoint Observations of Atmospheric Heavy Metal (Cu and Cd) Deposition and Accumulation in Soil–Crop System and Human Health Risk Evaluation Around a Large Smelter. Exposure and Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12403-023-00574-9

[6] Bao Binglu#, Cui Hongbiao#*, Li Huiting, Fan Yuchao, Li Detian, Wei Jing, Zhou Jing, Zhou Jun**. Phosphorus release characterization of biochar loaded with inherent and exogenous phosphorus and impact on soil Pb immobilization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 400: 136713.

[7] Ye Bo, Cui Hongbiao*, Chen Ning**, Fang Guodong, Gao Juan, Wang Yujun. A mechanistic study of goethite-based fenton-like reactions for imidacloprid degradation. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2023, 110:57.

[8] Cui Hongbiao, Dong Tingting, Hu Longlong, Xia Ruizhi, Zhou Jing, Zhou Jun*, Adsorption and immobilization of soil lead by two phosphate-based biochars and phosphorus release risk assessment, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 824: 153957.

[9] Cui Hongbiao, Bao Binglu, Cao Yong, Zhang Shiwen, Shi Jianjun, Zhou Jing, Zhou Jun*, Combined application of ferrihydrite and hydroxyapatite to immobilize soil copper, cadmium, and phosphate under flooding-drainage alternations, Environmental Pollution, 2022, 292: 118323.

[10] Fan Yuchao#, Wu Qiugang#, Bao Binglu, Cao Yong, Zhang Shiwen*, Cui Hongbiao*, Ferrihydrite reduces the bioavailability of copper and cadmium and phosphorus release risk in hydroxyapatite amended soil, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9: 106756.

[11] Cui Hongbiao*, Li Detian, Liu Xiaosheng, Fan Yuchao, Zhang Xue, Zhang Shiwen, Zhou Jing, Zhou Jun**. Dry-wet and freeze-thaw aging activate endogenous copper and cadmium in biochar. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 288:125605

[12] Cui Hongbiao, Wang Qiuya, Zhang Xue, Zhang Shiwen, Zhou Jing, Zhou Dongmei*, Zhou Jun*. Aging reduces the bioavailability of copper and cadmium in soil immobilized by biochars with various concentrations of endogenous metals. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 797: 149136

[13] Li Detian#, Cui Hongbiao#, Cheng Yueqin, Xue Lihong, Wang Bingyu, He Huayong, Hua Yun, Chu Qingnan, Feng Yanfang*, Yang Linzhang. Chemical aging of hydrochar improves the Cd2+ adsorption capacity from aqueous solution. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 287: 117562

[14] Cui Hongbiao, Shen Lulu, Yang Xiong, Zhang Shiwen, Yi Qitao, Meng Lin, Zheng Xuebo, Wang Qiuya, Zhou Jun. Effects of hematite on the stabilization of copper, cadmium and phosphorus in a contaminated red soil amended with hydroxyapatite. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 201: 110830

[15] Yang Xiong, Cui Hongbiao*, Liu Xiaosheng, Wu Qiugang, Zhang Hui. Water pollution characteristics and analysis of Chaohu Lake basin by using different assessment methods. Environ mental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 18168–18181

[16] Cui Hongbiao, Zhang Xue, Wu Qiugang, Zhang Shiwen, Xu Lei, Zhou Jing, Zheng Xuebo*, Zhou Jun*. Hematite enhances the immobilization of copper, cadmium and phosphorus in soil amended with hydroxyapatite under flooded conditions, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 708: 134590

[17] Cui Hongbiao, Li Huiting, Zhang Shiwen, Yi Qitao, Zhou Jing, Fang Guodong, Zhou Jun. Bioavailability and mobility of copper and cadmium in polluted soil after phytostabilization using different plants aided by limestone, Chemosphere, 2020, 242: 125252

[18] Cui Hongbiao, Shi Yu, Zhou Jing, Chu Haiyan,Cang Long, Zhou Dongmei, Effect of different grain sizes of hydroxyapatite on soil heavy metal bioavailability and microbial community composition. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2018, 267(15): 165-173

[19] Cui Hongbiao, Zhang Wei, Zhou Jun, Xu Lei, Zhang Xue, Zhang Shiwen, Zhou Jing, Availability and vertical distribution of Cu, Cd, Ca, and P in soil as influenced by lime and apatite with different dosages: a 7-year field study. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2018, 25:35143-35153.

[20] Cui Hongbiao, Yang Xiong, Xu Lei, Fan Yuchao, Yi Qitao, Li Ruyan, ZhouJing, Effects of goethite on the fractions of Cu, Cd, Pb, P and soil enzyme activity with hydroxyapatite in heavy metal-contaminated soil. Rsc Advances, 2017, 7(72):45869-45877.

[21] Cui Hongbiao, Zhang Shiwen, Li Ruyan, Yi Qitao, Zheng Xuebo, Hu Youbiao, Zhou Jing, Leaching of Cu, Cd, Pb, and phosphorus and their availability in the phosphate-amended contaminated soils under simulated acid rain. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2017, 24(26):21128-21137.

[22] Cui Hongbiao, Yi Qitao, Yang Xiong, Wang Xingming, Wu Huijun, Zhou Jing, Effects of hydroxyapatite on leaching of cadmium and phosphorus and their availability under simulated acid rain. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2017, 5:3773–3779.

[23] Cui Hongbiao, Fan Yuchao, Yang John, Xu Lei, Zhou Jing, Zhu Zhenqiu, In situ phytoextraction of copper and cadmium and its biological impacts in acidic soil. Chemosphere, 2016, 161:233-241.

[24] Cui Hongbiao, Fan Yuchao, Fang Guodong, Zhang Houxi, Su Binbin, Zhou Jing, Leachability, availability and bioaccessibility of Cu and Cd in a contaminated soil treated with apatite, lime and charcoal: a five-year field experiment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 134:148-155

[25] Cui Hongbiao, Ma Kaiqiang, Fan Yuchao, Peng Xinhua, Mao Jingdong, Zhou Dongmei, Zhang Zhongbin, Zhou Jing, Stability and heavy metal distribution of soil aggregates affected by application of apatite, lime, and charcoal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(11):10808-10817.

[26] Cui Hongbiao, Fan Yuchao, Xu Lei, Zhou Jing, Zhou Dongmei, Mao Jingdong, Fang Guodong, Cang Long, Zhu Zhenqiu, Sustainability of in situ remediation of Cu- and Cd-contaminated soils with one-time application of amendments in Guixi, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016, 16(5): 1498-1508.

[27] Cui Hongbiao, Zhou Jing, Zhao QG, Si Youbin, Mao Jingdong, Fang Guodong, Liang Jiani. Fractions of Cu, Cd, and enzyme activities in a contaminated soil as affected by applications of micro- and nano-hydroxyapatite. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2013, 13(4): 742-752.

[28] 崔红标, 范玉超, 周静*, 时玉, 徐磊, 郭学涛, 胡友彪, 高良敏. 改良剂对土壤铜镉有效性和微生物群落结构的影响. 中国环境科学, 2016, 36(1):197-205

[29] 周静*, 崔红标. 规模化治理耕地土壤重金属污染技术工程与展望—以江铜贵冶周边区域九牛岗土壤修复示范工程为例.中国科学院院刊, 2014, 29(3): 336-343.

[30] 崔红标, 梁家妮, 周静*, 陶美娟, 谷键云, 徐磊. 磷灰石和石灰联合巨菌草对重金属污染土壤的改良修复. 农业环境科学学报, 2013, 32(7): 1334-1340.






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